Chief Executive Officer
Doherty Clinical Trials can execute early phase healthy volunteer studies, but we are also ready and keen to deliver tailored solutions for clients who would value input into study design and development. Specialised studies offer unique opportunities to accelerate decision making, reduce costs and substantially decrease timelines for clinical development.
Key differentiators for our services are:
We will be able to deliver a range of human challenge models including malaria, group A streptococcus and respiratory viruses such as influenza.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your clinical trial needs, contact us. We’re keen to chat with you about potential solutions.
What are the advantages of running clinical trials in Australia?
Australia’s medical researchers, clinicians and facilities are among the best in the world. The Australian Government and the medical research community have invested in the people, in leading-edge equipment and infrastructure to deliver high-quality solutions.
Efficient regulatory frameworks are administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Australia’s ethics process involves submitting research proposals directly to human research ethics committees. As a multicultural country, Australia has a potential pool of diverse participants to meet recruitment needs.
The Australian Government’s Research & Development (R&D) Tax Incentive encourages more industry investment in R&D. Contact our team – we can direct you to specialists who can help to maximise any R&D tax advantages for your project.
Read more about conducting a clinical trial in Australia.
Our specialised clinical trial solutions are designed to accelerate the development of novel medicines and vaccines for our key partners and industry clients.
We can work with a range of vendors, partners and collaborating centres to ensure end-to-end clinical trial delivery. At the same time, our clients benefit from the deep clinical and scientific expertise across Melbourne’s Parkville Biomedical Precinct, including at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
Our services include:
We can adapt our services to your needs and create bespoke clinical trial solutions. Contact us to discuss your requirements
We are equipped to accelerate development of new therapies and vaccines for infectious diseases and other therapeutic areas.
Our dedicated facility is Australia’s only unit specifically established to deliver human challenge studies. The purpose-built facility can accommodate challenge models for a range of pathogens including malaria, group A streptococcus and respiratory viruses.
If you would like to read more about how human challenge trials can generate critical scientific insights and accelerate delivery of novel therapeutics and vaccines, please download our fact sheet.
The Melbourne facility contains:
Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd is dedicated to accelerating the development of novel medicines and vaccines through innovative early phase and human challenge clinical trials of the highest quality.
Our Quality Management System (QMS) is digitally led for enhanced security and real time analytics, ensuring participant safety as well as data quality and validity. The electronic QMS integration has been rigorously developed and tested to ensure Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd is aligned with all relevant legislation, regulations, research codes of practice, and international clinical trial compliance requirements such as Good Clinical Practice (GCP) quality guidelines.
Quality management is a key foundation in all our activities and is incorporated into our systems, processes, staff training and vendor management.
A skills-based board combines comprehensive experience in academic research, financial strategy, commercial development and biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries. Along with the specialised leadership team, this expertise drives Doherty Clinical Trials Ltd unique capabilities.